I am here to help you if you are at a point in your life where you know with a deep knowing that you want to embark on a meaningful path of healing and transformation.

You may or may not be sure of what needs to change, you just know you are “stuck” and something is holding you back from living the life you were born to live. There is something you need to change; a habit, a behaviour that no longer serves you, limiting beliefs or even lies you believe that stop you moving on to be all you can be in your life, your health, your career, your ministry, your

This self-realisation that something needs to change is actually the start of a process of discovery, followed by all of the steps needed to effect change and resultant transformation. The process isn’t linear; there are ups and downs, moments of clarity and moments of despair.

Chances are you have started out many times on a path to health and wellness but just never got to your destination. You are not alone. Why? Because it’s not easy!

Well, that is where I come in!

I am coach who passionately believes that you have to work with the whole person; mind, body, emotions and spirit to effect change that is transformational.

I’m here to help you breathe fire into your creativity, your joy, your health and your relationships.

I’m a trainer, coach and workshop leader. I work with women to help them be the radiant light they came here to be.

I want to help you look at yourself through a new lens and learn the “forever skills” that keep you healthy in mind, body and spirit. Skills that help you reduce stress, release vibrant energy, experience more love, more joy and more happiness.

My two signature programmes are “Fit, Fabulous & Free” and “Find Your Purpose Shine Your Light”.

If it is your time and you are ready for real transformation


     Janice……  x